Monday, October 11, 2010

All in all it was a great p-day!

October 11, 2010
Hey Hey Hey, fam!

What the heck! Are you serious? Big Worm got hitched!!! I really can’t believe that! ok I also heard that Sep also got hitched! Who else has gotten married in the last few months?? Really I find that so hard to believe that they are married. That means that they have to be parents! And that they have to work and provide for the family! They are so young! They are my age!! Weird!! It’s like a reality shock. It’s so weird to think that after the mission that’s the next big step that I have to take in my life. I still feel so young! Wow that really just took me off guard. I mean that is so cool for them and I am happy for them but it’s just so weird. I am getting so old and I really don’t like it. Lol jk. Wow. Ok so mom to answer the question that you had for me yes I did get the letter about our family history. Thanks a lot. It was cool to read it and learn a little bit about that. Also, it’s cool to be able to say that I have just a little bit of Latino blood in me. Lol sweet! Hey so I am sending some pics of what we did today for p-day. The whole zone went to this city like an hour away from where we all live. At this city there were so many gringos there. No joke they all live there but they are all hippies to the max!! It was weird to see so many gringos in one place here in Ecuador. When we got there we first found some courts to play basketball and we played 3 on 3 two games. Our zone leader knows how to play basketball so much, so it was actually a really good game. I covered him and he covered me. The others really mas o menus knew how to play so it was really fun. The only bad thing was when I was playing someone passed me the ball and it hit my finger nail and bent it way back. It started bleeding and everything but you know me I am such a man that I kept playing lol jk. After that I was going up to make a lay-up and my ring that I have that says Return With Honor got caught on a bolt and it almost ripped my whole finger off. No joke it cut into my skin pretty good and also it bent the ring pretty bad. It still works and I am going to fix it, but I really did some damage to my finger and my ring . lol I am so lucky that it didn’t cut the whole finger off because if it would have got caught it would have cut my finger straight off really easily. Honestly thinking about it now, I am sooo lucky because it would have been so easy to get stuck in-between the bolt and the backboard. Wow. Lol Anyway talking about something else. It was so good to play basketball again. I miss it so much. Also we went to eat at a Mexican restaurant that was way good. Oh another thing about this city is that there are people that live there that have more than 100 years, and there are a lot. There was a guy that lived up to 126 then died. Everyone says that it’s the water, but I am not sure. If you want to learn more about the city you can look it up. The name is on the side of the bus. I would write it but I would spell it wrong for sure. Lol but all in all it was a great p-day! Ok so that is so crazy that Jordan was a zone leader for 18 months! That just makes me look like a fool!! Lol actually I had an interview with President Montalti this Saturday and it was really good. He really is an amazing guy. Also, he told me that I should prepare myself for more leadership opportunities. After he said that I almost peed my pants. Lol it just scares me a little because I can’t imagine being zone leader and teaching all the zone lol in Spanish. Lol that would be hard, but at the same time a privilege. Lol we will see. Oh I got your letter this week about Brian Passantino and it sounds like he is doing great in the MTC. Ok well I am going to finish this letter a little bit short so I can write Cody ya. So I just want you all to know that I love you all and miss you all! I hope you all have a great week.! Love you all!
With lots of love and Cariño Elder keables

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