Monday, June 27, 2011

“We can help you with that”...

June 20, 2011
Good Afternoon!!!
Ok mom so I talked to the zone leader and he said that if I bug them about it then they have to do it. So I guess I’ll just have to do it. I think that everyone should be go with it. I think the only one who might not like it is President Montalti but we will see. I’ll be talking with them tonight and if I can I’ll write you something small tomorrow. But I’ll let them know that the 16th is just too late for school and for everything. Ok so what can I tell you all about? Really it gets harder and harder to write you guys something every week. It’s hard for me to think of what to write and I just get tired of writing. lol but ya so we are going today to Guayaquil to go to the temple just me and my comp. I guess that’s the good thing about training new missionaries. lol because I always get to go to the temple. lol Hey so not this week but the next week we will be having another baptism. So on Thursday me and my comp were walking in our sector when a couple called us over. They told us that they were members from Guayaquil and that they got baptized in the year 2001. They said they have been living 4 years in Cuenca but have only gone to church just a few times. And the best part is they said they wanted us to visit them because they wanted to go back to church again and that their son who has 9 years wants to get baptized. lol so me being a very wise and smart missionary said to them, “We can help you with that”. lol and so that night we visited them and on Sunday they went to church. This week we are going to teach the son the lessons and we are also going to have a family home evening at the house of the bishop. Also I think that on Wednesday of this week we are going to teach some guy whose name is Matias. He is from Germany and we are going to see if we can put a date. It’s going to be so weird because I have never taught a lesson in English and this I will have to teach by myself because my comp doesn’t know any. lol it’s going to be really interesting. But ya we are just killing it here in Cuenca. I really am just loving it. Sometimes it’s hard but I feel because we have been so obedient and also we have worked so hard that the Lord really blesses us for our hard work. We only have 3 more weeks in this change and I am hoping that we can have 2 more baptisms or three. But we will have to work really hard and trust in the Lord. I believe we can do it and I know that the Lord can make in possible. It just depends on the people we teach and our effort. Well I can’t think of that much more to tell you guys about. Hey mom when you receive the CD of all the pics can you tell me so I can erase the pics on my camera. Well I want you all to know that I love you and miss you very much. It won’t be long and we will be back together. I hope you have the best week and that everything goes the way you want it to. I love you all and miss you all.

With love, Elder Keables

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