~ a blog page dedicated to Elder Keables' letters, pictures, and videos. Currently serving in the Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Monday, August 30, 2010
The baptism was really an amazing experience...
Whats up FAM!!!!
Lol ok those are some pretty cool pics! Tyler looks like a straight up G!! I didn’t know that he could even grow a beard. lol jk but really it's so weird to see Tyler with that. Ryan also is looking like he has grown! lol time is going by so fast. I can’t believe that only 6 more weeks and Cody’s in the mish. Also I can’t believe that there are so many missionaries that are going out. Man I am getting old even Toni Mohr is going on the mish? Really some of the things in today’s letter caught me by surprise. Hey mom I haven’t got a letter from you or from anyone for 1 month now. I know that you said you are sending them but, someone is holding back on me or playing a game. lol No it’s cool I’m sure that this Wednesday there are going to be some. But really I haven’t gotten one for a month. That’s sick that Jake is the secretary, right now I live with one of the old secretaries, Elder Thayne. He was secretary for 9 months before he had a change and now he is with us. oh mom it would be sick to take a trip as a family here but at he same time I am sure it would be so dangerous. I heard today that a lot of the gringos that are here have been kidnapped and held for ransom lol. It’s not the safest place to be as a tourist. but it would be way cool because after about a year here I know Guayaquil pretty good. lol man it’s going to be so cool to have Cody here! I am just counting down the days, and to tell you the truth they are going so fast. Before you know it me and Cody are going to be comps walking up and down the streets in downtown Guayaquil. lol its going to be cool. I saw the friend of Kyle W. today and we started talking about Cody and how sick it’s going to be. lol so Jordan leaves tomorrow for school. I am sure that he is excited for that. Hey does he have a wife yet lol or a girlfriend? Do you think he is going to wait for me so I can be at his wedding? lol how are Julia and Janae doing with school at Butte. You should tell them to stop by the gym sometime and talk with the coach. lol that’s so weird that they are both going to Butte and that school already started. Really it’s crazy because tomorrow is the last day in August and on to a new month. Wow!
ok so I just put some pics on to send to you guys. These are pics of Hno Sanchez baptism. On sat the 28 we had the baptism service and on Sunday the 29 he received the Holy Ghost. The baptism was really an amazing experience. Because he couldn’t walk, I had to pick him up and carry him into the font. We only filled the font about halfway up with water so that we could just do it sitting down. Before we put him in the water we had to boil water to put in the cold water so he wouldn’t get sick. It took a lot of time to get everything ready for the baptism but the good thing is that it all went really well. When we got him in the water he got really scared and started to cry because he thought I was going to drowned him so my comp had to help out. Lucky one of his sons was there and started talking to him to calm him down enough to do the baptism. It was amazing because he completely stopped crying and we were able to do the baptism. When he came out of the water he got scared again and started to cry but soon after realized that everything was over and was happy as could be. After the baptism he didn’t want us to leave his side .lol He is the happiest little man! The coolest thing is that he totally reminds me of the guy off x-men. lol The guy in the wheelchair. lol Just playing, but really. It was really a great baptism and it was so cool to see one of the sons there that was so happy. He came up to us and thanked us for everything! It was really a rewarding feeling and an experience that I will always remember.
The other pic is what I had for dinner last night and I thought Cody would like to see what we eat here! lol there are a lot more crazier stuff than that. I can’t wait to get back home and make a way good dinner for the fam! Don’t worry mom I’ll cook that night. Also, I was thinking about it and I miss In and Out Burger!! lol Can’t wait! Only one more year!! lol jk. Anyway I think I’m going to wrap this week’s letter up by just telling you all that I love you and miss you a tons. Thanks for everything you all do for me! I have the best family in the world and I know it! I know that the church is true! Love you all!! Les amo, les quiero, les extraño!
Con Amor,
Elder Keables
Monday, August 23, 2010
We asked him if he would like to be baptized and he said yes...
Hey family how are you all??? Mom, Dad thanks a lot for the letters, it’s always so nice to hear what’s going on back at home, and it is so weird to how much is changing!! It’s not even cool that you guys get to go camping and backpacking! I miss that kind of stuff so much!! But its all good! I am going to send you guys some pics showing you some of the stuff that I have done in this last week!!! ok first pic in which I am playing basketball we took today. The district went to the church today and we all played a few games of basket. It was soo nice to pick up a ball again and get some good exercises. Even though am doing them in the morning it’s a lot different. Right now I am feeling like I am not going to be able to walk because I am so sore and my legs are so tired. lol I miss basketball so much! But it’s all good. The mission is sick. ok The other pics are from the last p-day when we went to el faro or lighthouse. We took some sick pics and also saw some sweet stuff. It’s so beautiful there that it made me think how cool it would be to show all you guys or take you all there. I know that you all would love it. The other pic is of an investigator that we are teaching. Almost everyone in his family are members. He was really catholic and never wanted to be baptized, but me and my comp were visiting the family and bringing them the Sacrament because they couldn’t go to church. He was taking it for awhile but we found out that he wasn’t a member and shouldn’t be taking every Sunday. We told him that we would love to keep bring it to him but he has to be a member. We asked him if he would like to be baptized and he said yes. So these last two Sundays he has been going to church and he is way excited. When we first started teaching them they were a little bit inactive but they are going to church and we are helping them out a lot. His name is Alejandro Sanchez and he has 10 kids and is married. One of his kids lives in
Anyway, that all about the pics so that you can understand where they came from. oh and yes Lili, I did make the jump shot in the pic that I sent. I don't know why, but I had it in my mind or I imagined Lili and Mari seeing that pic and laughing and saying that I probably missed the shot, but nope it was gooooooood. I still got my game- just a little bit rusty!! lol oh I also got a haircut today by another missionary in the house and it turned out pretty good.!!! lol hey so I was thinking about when Cody gets here and how weird that’s going to be lol and it came to my mind that Cody is coming in the most craziest time ever!!! He will be just getting here for Christmas and also for NEW YEARS!!! That’s so crazy!! He is going to think Ecuadorians are crazy lol but that’s so sick! I know he is going to love it. I already sent you guys the pics of that!! I cant believe that it’s coming up again. Only 3 more months and it will be Christmas-. que loco! lol ok so I really don’t know what more to tell you guys about. I do want to save some time to write Julia so I am going to cut it short and if I have time after I write her and president then I’ll send another email, but I don’t think so. I just want you guys all to know that Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission is the sickest in the world, and that I love the mission! I also love you all so much!! And I’m so grateful for all that you do for me and the impact that you all have in my life. I have the best family in the world. Also I want you all to know that I know that this is the true church and that this is his work! I know the He loves us and we receive blessing in this life through our obedience. I know that he has given us scriptures, prophets, leaders, prayer, His Son Jesus Christ, and so many other things or our benefit and it’s up to us if to take advantage of these things. He loves us and has given us everything necessary to return and live with Him, His Son and our families for eternity. All these things are found in his Gospel. Those who know these things can and should help others to know these things. I love this work and I love the plan that the Lord has for every one of us. I love you all and miss you all!!
With Love,
Elder Keables
Monday, August 16, 2010
I have a crazy story...
Hey family!!
Un Gusto a escucharles!! How are you all?? That’s so crazy that school starts this week and that Cody is taking his endowments out!! I can’t believe that one year ago I was in the MTC! Time goes by way fast!! I can only imagine how fast it’s going to go in the next year! Well it sounds like everything is going great at home! And just so you know everything is going great here in
Ok the president is also amazing. I still don’t know him that well because I have only seen him a few times and only have had one interview with him, but he is really nice and funny. He has a lot of ideas and has changed a lot here in the mission. He writes us missionaries almost every week. and he is so powerful. You can really tell that he has been called of God to serve and lead this mission. He is still new, but I have heard that in the next few months there will be a lot of changes coming, in the way we teach and everything!
ok talking about Cody! Really tell Michelle to not worry, all he really needs is a backpack from school so that he can use it during his time in the MTC and his first week or two here. But they have some cool stuff or bags to buy and almost every missionary has one here. They have a mission web-page that he can buy that stuff he needs. and about his garments I personally like the Dry-lux cotton ones. I also like the mesh ones. I have the garments shirts that are just like a t-shirt and I like those a lot. The spandex I really don’t like at all. Pretty much everything that I have a have used, but really tell her to not worry about buying things for cold weather, because here he won’t need that at all! For two years he will be burning hot and if he needs anything just buy it here. Sun screen-haven’t used and if he needs some it’s a lot cheaper here. Almost everything that he will need they also sell here. They even have peanut butter. They also sell garments here on the web-page and they are only like one dollar. Anyway if they have more questions just let me know and I can help out with that.
Ok so I have a little bit of time and I just wanted to write you and tell you about what happened this week. Well me and my comp were able to leave during the day to work so it was a lot better and time went by way fast. So I have a crazy story. Ok so on Thursday when I woke up, which was the day that I completed one year in the mission. !!! lol well anyway, so we got up did our exercises and everything. After we had done that, me and my comp decided to go across the street to buy some food in the morning, because there is a small store by our house. We live on the second story so we went down to the first story where there is a fat door with like (no joke) 8 locks or 8 ways to lock the door. My comp had the keys in his hand and started to unlock the locks but got stuck on the first one. He then gave the keys to me and told me to open the door. I took the keys and tried opening it, but I was having some problems. My comp leaned up against the wall as he was waiting for me. All of a sudden he freaked out and said open the door now because there is a earthquake. lol I started to laugh because I thought, it would be crazy if there was a earthquake because we would be out of luck with all those locks and in 4-story building. As I was laughing my companion started to scream and told me to hurry up. I continued laughing until I heard the freakiest sound of my life and the whole building started to shake and the door I was opening made a loud rattling sound. At this time my laughing turned into frantic screaming in English and Spanish at my comp telling him to start opening the other locks as I was working with the one I had in my hands. A few seconds later the people who live above us came running down stairs and also the two other missionaries. By the time we got the door open and we all went running out of the building, the earthquake had slowed down and stopped. People came running out to the streets from their houses in shock and a little bit scared. Just like all of us. It really was a freaky experience- one that I won’t forget. It definitely left me and the other missionaries a little shook up lol. I was thinking about it and it was kind of of a cool way to mark my year mark in the mission. I found out that it was 6.8 in
With Love,
\Elder Spencer Keables
Monday, August 9, 2010
...it’s so important what missionaries do!
Hey fam!!!
Hey family! How are you all? How was your trip to the Redwoods? That’s so sick I am so jealous that I couldn’t go! I really miss some good old family bonding and some good old camping! That’s crazy that Jordan goes back to school in only two weeks and also I think that this week the high schools start up again. I can’t believe that I am going to finish one year in the mission this week. Don’t worry I’ll get some sick pics. Man times are changing so much, it’s crazy! ONE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only one more to go- lol not like I am counting, lol because I’m not! That’s crazy that Whitney already has gone home. It feels like yesterday she was telling me how she was excited for the trip and today I got a message that said that she is home already! Man that is super said about Chris Benton. I didn’t know that he had such big drug problems! I am sure that it’s been really hard on the Mohr family! It just seems that so many people are passing away when I am in the mission, and I feel like it’s all not happening. It’s weird because here you don’t hear anything about what’s happening at home so when I hear from you it just doesn’t feel real or true. That’s super sad because Chris was such a cool kid and so funny. I remember so many good times that we had together in Scouts and church and everything. Mom you are so right, having a knowledge of the Gospel makes it so much easier to understand and confront the trials that we have in life. For that reason it’s so important what missionaries do! It’s important that everyone gets the chance to hear this message and really change their lives, or that is if they accept it.
Ok so to answer some of the questions that you had for me mom. Ok so yes my companions name is Elder Hernandez and he is from Guatemala and this is his 4th change in the mission. We did have changes this morning, but I am still with my comp in the same sector. The other two missionaries that lived with us got changed and now there are two new missionaries living with us. Elder Thayne and his companion who doesn’t get here until tomorrow because he is new. So in the house we will have two North Americans and two South Americans or natives. So it’s going be sick. Also, yes are transfers are every 6 weeks, but we had one that was 7 weeks, so my mission was extended another week. So I should be getting home in the third week in August next year! lol CRAZY!!!! lol that should be right. Ok so I think those were the only questions that you had for me. Ok so I have some good news. So I told you guys way back in my other letters about two investigators that I had. Carmon Constante and Carmon ? lol(dont remember the other last name). But I talked with my trainer today, Elder Salcedo, and he said that they both got baptized!! lol I know so sweet, no?? the both of them are people or investigators that me and my companion found. I thought they wouldn’t get baptized, but they both did. I heard that today and it made my day! It made my year!! We as missionaries a lot of time are just planting seeds and hoping that they will grow and praying. I guess we will never know the impact that we have had on the lives of people until the after this life. But that was something that was so cool to hear. I also have a few funny stories from this week, but I might have to save them for another time or just my journal. It was a very interesting week, let’s just say that. lol. But pretty much everything interesting here in Ecuador. lol Man Cody is going to love it here!! Anyway I better get going! Mom thanks for the weekly letters, they make me feel so home sick or trunky they would say here. lol But really thanks mom and everyone else for everything! I love you all and miss you all!! I hope you all have a great week and I will talk to you or write you the next week. I love you all and miss you!!
Elder Keables
Sunday, August 8, 2010
“Many are called but few are chosen.”
Hey family!!!
Mom how are you! Thanks for the letter! Sorry that you are sick! That kinda stinks. I am sure that things are just crazy there whit, jordan and julia and janae and all their friends- also whitney wrote me and said that she is going to visit you guys this week. She also told me that she got a job that pays 20 bucks an hour!! RICH!!! That’s so crazy that Emily Pietz just got married- things are really changing while I am here in
Mom, I wrote the family Lohse and sent the letter today, so it should get to them this week or the next. Now I just need to write
Ok so you asked me about the work or if there is anyone that has a baptism scheduled. So yes we do have someone or had some scheduled for yesterday. lol Omar Farah had his baptism yesterday. We asked him on Wednesday if he would be ok with moving the baptism to Sunday and he said yes that he would love it. So we went to his house everyday and by Saturday he was finished with all the lessons. We had the baptism right after church and there were a bunch of members there. It was reallly a great service. The dad of Omar was there, and it was really cool because we asked him to share his testimony. When he started to share his testimony, he started to cry. Afterwards, the bishop said it was one of the best services that he had been to. Now I’m going to brag a little bit, but the bishop asked me when I might have a change. I told him that it might be the next Sunday. He then said that if I go they will all miss me and that he wants my directions to write me and also a pic. It was really nice to see someone so happy for the work that we are doing, so I had to brag just a little bit. But really it was one of the best baptism services that I have ever been to. It all came out really well. Omar is a 21 years old and lives with his dad. His mom and brothers live in
Lots of love,
Elder Keables.