April 26, 2010
Querido family!
Hola mi Fam how are you? Sounds like everything is going great back at home and that times are really changing. You say that it’s starting to get warm there? Well it hasn’t even stopped here. lol I’m still dieing of the heat. They say one more month and it should get a lot nicer or less rain, so less humidity. I am really looking forward to that. ok so Lili saw that video, that’s so funny. I put some of the videos of Elder Salcedo because I want to have them as memories and also I bought a pin drive from him to put my pics and stuff on, so that way if my camera gets way too full I can put the pics on the pen drive and not have to worry about losing them or sending a CD right away. But about that song, so I have heard it so many times here. Once on the bus, another time while doing service for a family, and that time at the talent show. It’s funny because I almost got talked into singing a Backstreet Boys song that night, but we had to return to the house right before they called my name. lol talk about good timing. But ya now that I understand the words to the song it’s like 10 times better. It’s really a good song. Actually I never knew it, but there is a lot of good music in Spanish and I can’t wait to listen to it. lol but I am glad that you guys liked to pics that we took. I’m pretty excited because we are going to the church today at 3 to play basketball or teach all the young men how to play. Hopefully, I’ll get some good pics with them. Thanks to Lili I have a really nice ball to bring to help teach them. I’m pretty pumped, its going to be sick. ok so I don’t have that much time so I wanted to tell you about my week really quickly. ok so on Tuesday we went back to the kid’s house that I was telling you about. The one whose older sister is member.. Well his name is Stalin and he is amazing. On Tuesday we asked him if he had read and he said yes. We then asked him how he felt. He said he felt peace and that the Book of Mormon is true. When I heard that, I was so excited. We taught him the second lesson about the plan de salvacion and I used those paper cut outs that you gave me. lol at the end of the lesson we asked him if he would prepare to be baptized for the date 8 of May and he said, YES!!!! He said yes without hesitation. Since that day we have returned a few times and taught him a few more other things. Yesterday he went to church for the first time and stayed all 3 hours. He is doing great and seems to be really excited. He really is amazing and I can see him as being such a great member and even better MISSIONARY. lol he has asked a lot of questions about missionaries and what we do and how did we become missionaries. lol I can totally see him as a missionary. He went to church with a white shirt, tie and slacks, and some of the members asked him what ward he was from and said that he looks like a missionary. lol he just laughed. But if everything goes well we will have the baptism on the 8 and on the 9 I can tell you all about it. I hope and pray that that’s the case. I think so because he is doing everything that we have asked, but I’ll let you know how he is doing next week... well I probably better get going. But mom thanks for the pics. It’s good to see what’s going on back in Chico. lol well sorry I have to make this letter short, but I’ll write a bigger one next week, maybe. lol well I love you all and miss you. Don’t worry about me. I’m doing great here in Ecuador. I hope all is going great for you all at home. Love you all.
Con Amor, Elder Keables
~ a blog page dedicated to Elder Keables' letters, pictures, and videos. Currently serving in the Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
It was a great lesson...
April 19, 2010
Hi everyone! Ok mom first thing before I forget, yes I did get the picture that you sent of Taylor and his wife!!! Lol Tell him that I approve of her, but only after the mission. Ok so what’s this I hear about Justin having a pretty serious girlfriend and that he is going to MEET THE PARENTS! Yup they are pretty much already married! So Jordan sold the Jeep and got something else. That’s way cool tell him that I’m glad everything worked out. I am really looking forward to the story of how that all worked out. Ok so I need to answer a question that you asked me last week that I didn’t answer. Ok so no the iguanas don’t walk around all over the place here. They only have them in the parks, but they are in pretty much every park in the city. Ok so I don’t know how long this letter is going to be because it’s like a million degrees in this computer lab thing and I am sitting on this little white chair that’s like two inches of the ground and I’m sweating like crazy. Lol no it’s really not that bad. I’ve got to look at it in a good way, when I leave this little box and go outside, it will actually feel good for once. Ok so my week. What could I tell you about my week that was interesting? Ok so first I’ll start off with the regular. So on Monday after I wrote you guys last week, my comp and I went to buy stuff in the mall for the week. Oh and the mall is soo rich! But ya so we went and bought the normal stuff like food and things like that. But right before I left I thought, “oh I need a new toothbrush.” So we went to the toothbrush lane or isle no se, and I bought the cheapest one I could find. Lol which was a bad idea. So I went home and threw the old toothbrush away and got out the new one. That night I went to go brush my teeth and it honestly felt like I was using a wire wisp to brush my teeth. I have used that same toothbrush for this whole week and I think I’m finally starting to get used to it. Lol or my teeth just stopped bleeding and are growing calluses. Lol no my teeth are super clean now and maybe you will see the difference in my pics I send. Lol that was about as exciting as my week got. Lol just jokin. Ok so yesterday we went to a new convert’s house to see if we could teach her and her family something, she is the only member. She let us in and we taught her and her little brother. I can’t remember the name of her brother, but he has 16 or 17 years old. It was a great lesson and he accepted all the invitations that we left him. At the end we asked him if he felt that these things were true, and if he receives an answer would he get baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ.? Without hesitation he said yes. He seemed so interested in the message and it seemed like it was the 50th time that we had taught him. He seemed to trust in us from the minute we stepped in the door. I don’t know what will happen with him because it’s really just the first lesson. We have taught the first lesson with about 20 more people in the last week or so, but for some reason this one was different. Its just seems that the Lord has really prepared him, and that he will get baptized. I hope and pray that he will receive an answer. I know he will if he does what we asked him to do. If he reads, ponders, and pray. We are going to teach him tomorrow, so I’ll let you know what will happen next week. But anyway I think it’s about time to go. But I want you all to know that I love you all soooooo much. I miss you. I hope all is going great there. I look forward to calling you in a few weeks and writing next week. Love you all.
Con mucho Amor, Elder Keables
Hi everyone! Ok mom first thing before I forget, yes I did get the picture that you sent of Taylor and his wife!!! Lol Tell him that I approve of her, but only after the mission. Ok so what’s this I hear about Justin having a pretty serious girlfriend and that he is going to MEET THE PARENTS! Yup they are pretty much already married! So Jordan sold the Jeep and got something else. That’s way cool tell him that I’m glad everything worked out. I am really looking forward to the story of how that all worked out. Ok so I need to answer a question that you asked me last week that I didn’t answer. Ok so no the iguanas don’t walk around all over the place here. They only have them in the parks, but they are in pretty much every park in the city. Ok so I don’t know how long this letter is going to be because it’s like a million degrees in this computer lab thing and I am sitting on this little white chair that’s like two inches of the ground and I’m sweating like crazy. Lol no it’s really not that bad. I’ve got to look at it in a good way, when I leave this little box and go outside, it will actually feel good for once. Ok so my week. What could I tell you about my week that was interesting? Ok so first I’ll start off with the regular. So on Monday after I wrote you guys last week, my comp and I went to buy stuff in the mall for the week. Oh and the mall is soo rich! But ya so we went and bought the normal stuff like food and things like that. But right before I left I thought, “oh I need a new toothbrush.” So we went to the toothbrush lane or isle no se, and I bought the cheapest one I could find. Lol which was a bad idea. So I went home and threw the old toothbrush away and got out the new one. That night I went to go brush my teeth and it honestly felt like I was using a wire wisp to brush my teeth. I have used that same toothbrush for this whole week and I think I’m finally starting to get used to it. Lol or my teeth just stopped bleeding and are growing calluses. Lol no my teeth are super clean now and maybe you will see the difference in my pics I send. Lol that was about as exciting as my week got. Lol just jokin. Ok so yesterday we went to a new convert’s house to see if we could teach her and her family something, she is the only member. She let us in and we taught her and her little brother. I can’t remember the name of her brother, but he has 16 or 17 years old. It was a great lesson and he accepted all the invitations that we left him. At the end we asked him if he felt that these things were true, and if he receives an answer would he get baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ.? Without hesitation he said yes. He seemed so interested in the message and it seemed like it was the 50th time that we had taught him. He seemed to trust in us from the minute we stepped in the door. I don’t know what will happen with him because it’s really just the first lesson. We have taught the first lesson with about 20 more people in the last week or so, but for some reason this one was different. Its just seems that the Lord has really prepared him, and that he will get baptized. I hope and pray that he will receive an answer. I know he will if he does what we asked him to do. If he reads, ponders, and pray. We are going to teach him tomorrow, so I’ll let you know what will happen next week. But anyway I think it’s about time to go. But I want you all to know that I love you all soooooo much. I miss you. I hope all is going great there. I look forward to calling you in a few weeks and writing next week. Love you all.
Con mucho Amor, Elder Keables
Monday, April 12, 2010
Elder Perez and I get along great. He is way cool!!!
April 12, 2010
Hi Family!!
Hey family! How are you all? It sounds like everything is going really well there. lol so dad had his surgery? It must be really interesting to see dad on crutches! Mom you should definitely send me a pic of dad with the crutches. I am sure that he is staying really busy!! That’s too bad about the Jeep. I hope that the guy was just wrong and Jordan can sell it and get some good money! I cant believe that he goes back next week, that three months went by so fast. RYAN is finally turning 11!!! lol tell him that I say hi and Happy Birthday!! Someday I’ll send a little something to everyone. Ya mom if you could keep me posted with what’s going on with Cody and his papers. So if he puts his papers in sometime this month, he should leave around my one year mark!! That would be so crazy!! I can’t believe that I have 8 months already!!! It’s really doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. I have half a year here in Ecuador!!! Time is going by fast. Ok so mom I sent out my pics last week, so they should be there soon, maybe today or tomorrow!! Ok so my week. Ok so really nothing really crazy happened this week it was kind of normal. Me and Elder Perez are starting to get used to the new sector. We found 12 new investigators this last week so this week should by a little bit busier. We taught all of them lesson 1 and that’s about as far as we have gotten. This week we will go back and try teaching the next lesson, so we will see what happens this week. Hopefully we can get a few to accept dates! That way we can work hard to prepare them and the Lord can give them the experiences that they need to gain a testimony. I know if we can get them to accept a date, and then work hard to help them, the Lord will take care of the rest. It’s funny, we taught a family for the first time this week name family Pena and they were really nice and funny. Actually it’s two older ladies and their kids. It was funny because they asked us sooo many questions, like really they had soo many questions. They were so surprised that we were so young and that we have chosen to serve missions or to do what we are doing. They were saying that all the kids they know that are our age are out drinking, smoking, playing soccer, with their girlfriends and doing stuff like that. They really had so many questions it was funny, and it seemed like every time they asked us, we just responded with our testimonies that we know these things are true. At the beginning they seem like they were just trying everything they could to prove us wrong or just argue with us. But after we had born our testimonies and helped them understand, they really calmed down and began to listen. At the end of the lesson they seemed to be really interested or maybe just seemed to feel more comfortable with us. We invited them to our church and they said that they couldn’t go this week, but they would like to the next week. Then they invited us to their church, which is a big Catholic church next to our house. So we might go to that and hopefully they will go to ours. They are really strong Catholics that go every Sunday, and really nice and very receptive. I really hope that we can get them to go to church, because they would really like it. But we don’t know what will happen with them. I guess we will find out. ok so we went to church yesterday and met most of the members. Really, the ward is amazing. It was testimony meeting yesterday and honestly I think that it was one of the best I have ever heard. There was a family that went up at the same time that all shared their testimonies and they were powerful. They had a son that was restricted to a wheelchair that went up there too. He was handicapped. The mom shared her testimony first holding her son in her arms. And after the mom one of her other sons shared his. Actually, because his brother could talk he held him in his arm and shared a testimony for his brother, then shared is own testimony. Finally, to end the meeting two little kids went up and shared their testimonies. It was really one of the most powerful meetings that I have ever heard, and I felt the Spirit so strongly. They have a lot of young men and young women that also shared there testimonies. Some of the young men are getting ready to serve missions. Something that I love here, or something that has really stood out to me, are the youth. I think it’s because we spend all day in the street, and there are always kids smoking, drinking, and saying stuff at us in the streets. But when I go to the church the kids are all so nice, they are soo respectful. I don’t know how to explain it, but I look up to them. I really don’t think that I could have grown up in a place like this or it would have been so hard, for the youth especially. something that I see all the time are girls that have 16 years and already have 2 kids or 14-year-olds with babies. It’s so sad because the men always just leave them. There are very many people that are married that live in the same house. It really is sad, but I guess that’s why we are here serving. It’s really amazing to see how the gospel helps and blesses the live of the people. Anyway, I am getting a little carried away, but the ward it great and they are soo happy to have missionaries back in the ward. They have a plan to help us out and give us references, so I think that things should go good. Anyway I have talked way too much and if probably should go. Sorry if it wasnt the most exciting letter. Anyway, I love you all and miss you all very much. I hope all is well with you guys back at home. I’ll talk to you next week. Love you all!!!!
P.S. The pic is of my last district and of me and Elder Perez. Oh and Elder Perez and I get along great. He is way cool!!!
Con amor,
Elder Keables
Hi Family!!
Hey family! How are you all? It sounds like everything is going really well there. lol so dad had his surgery? It must be really interesting to see dad on crutches! Mom you should definitely send me a pic of dad with the crutches. I am sure that he is staying really busy!! That’s too bad about the Jeep. I hope that the guy was just wrong and Jordan can sell it and get some good money! I cant believe that he goes back next week, that three months went by so fast. RYAN is finally turning 11!!! lol tell him that I say hi and Happy Birthday!! Someday I’ll send a little something to everyone. Ya mom if you could keep me posted with what’s going on with Cody and his papers. So if he puts his papers in sometime this month, he should leave around my one year mark!! That would be so crazy!! I can’t believe that I have 8 months already!!! It’s really doesn’t feel like it’s been that long. I have half a year here in Ecuador!!! Time is going by fast. Ok so mom I sent out my pics last week, so they should be there soon, maybe today or tomorrow!! Ok so my week. Ok so really nothing really crazy happened this week it was kind of normal. Me and Elder Perez are starting to get used to the new sector. We found 12 new investigators this last week so this week should by a little bit busier. We taught all of them lesson 1 and that’s about as far as we have gotten. This week we will go back and try teaching the next lesson, so we will see what happens this week. Hopefully we can get a few to accept dates! That way we can work hard to prepare them and the Lord can give them the experiences that they need to gain a testimony. I know if we can get them to accept a date, and then work hard to help them, the Lord will take care of the rest. It’s funny, we taught a family for the first time this week name family Pena and they were really nice and funny. Actually it’s two older ladies and their kids. It was funny because they asked us sooo many questions, like really they had soo many questions. They were so surprised that we were so young and that we have chosen to serve missions or to do what we are doing. They were saying that all the kids they know that are our age are out drinking, smoking, playing soccer, with their girlfriends and doing stuff like that. They really had so many questions it was funny, and it seemed like every time they asked us, we just responded with our testimonies that we know these things are true. At the beginning they seem like they were just trying everything they could to prove us wrong or just argue with us. But after we had born our testimonies and helped them understand, they really calmed down and began to listen. At the end of the lesson they seemed to be really interested or maybe just seemed to feel more comfortable with us. We invited them to our church and they said that they couldn’t go this week, but they would like to the next week. Then they invited us to their church, which is a big Catholic church next to our house. So we might go to that and hopefully they will go to ours. They are really strong Catholics that go every Sunday, and really nice and very receptive. I really hope that we can get them to go to church, because they would really like it. But we don’t know what will happen with them. I guess we will find out. ok so we went to church yesterday and met most of the members. Really, the ward is amazing. It was testimony meeting yesterday and honestly I think that it was one of the best I have ever heard. There was a family that went up at the same time that all shared their testimonies and they were powerful. They had a son that was restricted to a wheelchair that went up there too. He was handicapped. The mom shared her testimony first holding her son in her arms. And after the mom one of her other sons shared his. Actually, because his brother could talk he held him in his arm and shared a testimony for his brother, then shared is own testimony. Finally, to end the meeting two little kids went up and shared their testimonies. It was really one of the most powerful meetings that I have ever heard, and I felt the Spirit so strongly. They have a lot of young men and young women that also shared there testimonies. Some of the young men are getting ready to serve missions. Something that I love here, or something that has really stood out to me, are the youth. I think it’s because we spend all day in the street, and there are always kids smoking, drinking, and saying stuff at us in the streets. But when I go to the church the kids are all so nice, they are soo respectful. I don’t know how to explain it, but I look up to them. I really don’t think that I could have grown up in a place like this or it would have been so hard, for the youth especially. something that I see all the time are girls that have 16 years and already have 2 kids or 14-year-olds with babies. It’s so sad because the men always just leave them. There are very many people that are married that live in the same house. It really is sad, but I guess that’s why we are here serving. It’s really amazing to see how the gospel helps and blesses the live of the people. Anyway, I am getting a little carried away, but the ward it great and they are soo happy to have missionaries back in the ward. They have a plan to help us out and give us references, so I think that things should go good. Anyway I have talked way too much and if probably should go. Sorry if it wasnt the most exciting letter. Anyway, I love you all and miss you all very much. I hope all is well with you guys back at home. I’ll talk to you next week. Love you all!!!!
P.S. The pic is of my last district and of me and Elder Perez. Oh and Elder Perez and I get along great. He is way cool!!!
Con amor,
Elder Keables
Monday, April 5, 2010
I love my new area!!


April 5, 2010
Hey family!!
ok first I have some questions for you all? So yesterday we were contacting and someone said that there was a earthquake in California. Is that true or not? They said 7.0, but I’m not sure. What part of cali if it is true? Ok second- has Cody Storm put in his papers yet? I think that’s about it. ok so to answer your questions. What did we do for Easter? We did the same thing that we do every day. lol Really we just went to conference, which was amazing. I was thinking about conference and how crazy it is that 6 months earlier I was watching it in English and didn’t know any Spanish and now 6 months later I can watch it in Spanish and almost understand everything. Almost, not everything, but almost! It was really was a good conference. It’s amazing how much more I have gotten out of the last two conferences. I wish I would have paid more attention to them before the mission! It’s hard for me to believe that people could hear them speak and not believe that they have been called of God. They are so powerful!! I can’t wait for the next conference!! ok my new area? I love my new area!! It’s a really BIG sector! We have some buildings that have over 10 floors or stories. I think it’s one of the richest parts or sectors in the mission and biggest. There are a few neighborhoods that have houses that are sooo big. To talk to them we push a button and talk into a microphone, and they respond. If they want us to enter, they push another button and the gate will open. Some of the houses have guards. lol really it’s like a prison. At the corner of their property they have towers where there are guards that stand there all day, raised up above a gate that is like 10 feet or more. lol or they have electric wire. Some of the churches have that, too. We also have a hospital and a Burger King and Dominoes Pizza and Pizza Hut. We have two parks that are soo sick!!! One has a pond or lake, with play ground, swimming pools and all sorts of stuff. The other park has a big battle ship that they put in it. I will definitely get some cool picks of that. There are a lot of cool things in my new area. We also have a poor area too. So where am I? I am still in Guayaquil, like 20 minutes away from my old sector. ok my companion'?? My comp’s name is Elder Perez. He is from Nevada, but his parents are from Mexico! So he speaks Spanish like perfect because he already knew a lot before coming here. He has about 5 months until he finishes his mission or 4 more changes, but he is way cool and is always helping me with my Spanish! This last week I got the opportunity to practice my contacting because we took turns. I think I told you that we are opening up the sector because there weren’t missionaries here for a few months. So it’s been hard because we don’t know anyone! We have to start from scratch, with new investigators and everything! We have one investigator right now, who went to the conference, which was cool. But ya, we are here just working away!! lol I am really excited to be in a new sector and get to know more people. It’s been a really good experience so far. It’s so crazy that I’m going to complete 8 months in the mission this next week and that in about a month I’ll be able to talk to you all again. Time really is going by so fast. Almost too fast! I gotta say, I love the mission! Anyway I better be going. I have to write the president still and do a few more other things. I miss you all and love you all sooo much!! I hope all is well and that you have a great week!! Love you!!
With a lot of Love,
Elder Keables
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